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Joker (Salvation Kings MC Book 2) Page 2

  Chapter Two


  HE STOOD, side by side with his best friend, watching two women attack each other like feral cats. Of course, the guy it was all about was seated on the couch, not even paying them any attention. Joker shook his head and turned to Zayne when he asked, “Should we do something?”

  “Not until they actually hurt each other,” Joker said. “I think most people are enjoying the entertainment.”

  Zayne chuckled and slapped Joker on the back.

  “I’ll leave you to it, then,” Zayne said and walked to the bar where his man was helping Maya serve drinks.

  Joker followed Zayne with his eyes, a smile pulling at his lips when Zayne leaned across the bar to smack a kiss to Nash’s lips. He hadn’t seen his friend this happy and free in, well, ever. He’d been very much against their relationship in the beginning, fearing Nash couldn’t handle their lifestyle. But the guy had proved him wrong on so many levels.

  A loud shriek made him turn his attention back on the club bunnies who were now on the floor, pulling at each other’s hair. With a sigh, he walked up to them. They didn’t notice him at first, so he cleared his throat.


  Both their heads swiveled towards him and then they froze. Both their eyes widened, and they watched him with caution. They knew not to fuck with him. Everyone at the club did.

  “If you can’t agree which one of you should be fucking him, just share,” he said.

  One of them opened her mouth to argue but thought better of it when he cocked his head at her. They both got up off the floor and hurried away from him. They headed for the couch, sitting down on each side of Juno. He wrapped his arms around them and said something that made them giggle. Joker shook his head. The women never ceased to amaze him. There were some vicious women at the club, old ladies and club bunnies alike. But as bad as they could be to each other, they stuck together when they needed to.

  He headed for the bar, in need of some alcohol. He walked up next to Zayne and leaned against the bar, letting Maya know to get his usual. It wasn’t long before she handed him the glass of Guinness. He turned around, taking a swig of the beer. He glanced around the room, his eyes catching on a certain black-haired troublemaker. Gabriel was making his way towards the bar, sidestepping drunk people and avoiding a pool cue being thrown across the room.

  Gabriel walked right up to him, his gaze moving up Joker’s body. The heat he saw in Gabe’s eyes made him clench his hands into fists. It wasn’t more than a month ago when he only saw Gabe as a kid who needed protection but thanks to Zayne, he couldn’t look at Gabe without noticing that he was a man now. A man who didn’t hide how much he wanted Joker.

  Gabe stood in front of him, his head cocked to the side as their eyes met. A playful smile widened Gabe’s lips as he took Joker’s glass from him. Joker couldn’t move as he watched Gabe lift the glass to his lips and take a sip.

  “Thanks,” Gabe said, his smile turning into a grin as he backed away.

  Gabe turned and headed towards the couch, taking Joker’s beer with him. Zayne’s snort made him glance at him.

  “If it’d been anyone else, you would’ve shot them,” Zayne said.

  “Fuck off.”

  Joker turned his gaze down, shaking his head. Zayne wasn’t wrong. But then again, most people were too scared of him to pull the shit Gabe did. Gabe was most certainly not afraid of him. Not one bit.

  A bottle of whiskey appeared in front of him. He looked up, meeting Nash’s eyes. Nash was wearing a wry smile as he handed the bottle to Joker. He took it with a grunt.

  “I figured you might need that,” Nash said. “Don’t have to fight off a boner if you’re too drunk to get one.”

  Joker growled at Nash, making the man jump back though he didn’t look as afraid of him as he would like.

  “You’re an ass,” Joker said.

  Nash threw his head back and laughed. Joker turned a glare on Zayne who was smiling lovingly at his man.

  “You calling me an ass is fucking gold,” Nash said, laughter still in his voice.

  Joker flipped him off.

  “Fuck both of you.”

  He walked off with the whiskey, aiming for a quiet place where there weren’t any assholes to call him out on his shit.


  He was pretty tipsy when he stumbled into the backyard. He almost tripped, causing the beer in his plastic cup to spill over.

  “Shit,” he mumbled and raised his hand to lick off the beer covering his hand and fingers.

  He glanced up and found a chair in the middle of the lawn. The man sitting in it had light brown hair and a bottle of alcohol was hanging from his fingertips, balancing precariously on the ground. Gabe could recognize Joker anywhere.

  He walked towards Joker, though it took a bit longer than it probably should have. When he reached the chair, he sat down on the grass, putting his cup down next to him. He looked up at Joker who was watching him with sharp eyes.

  “Why’re you out here?”

  Joker raised a brow at him. “Why are you?”

  Gabe shrugged and said, “Needed air.”

  He pulled a pack of cigarettes out of his pocket and lit one. He took a long draw, holding it in for a moment before slowly blowing the smoke out.

  “Not much air in that,” Joker said.

  Gabe held the cigarette out to Joker who took it from him. He watched Joker put it between his lips. Neither of them was avid smokers but they both liked a few if they were drinking.

  “You didn’t answer,” Gabe said.

  Joker grunted and said, “It’s none of your business.”

  “See. That’s where you’re wrong. You’re totally my business.”

  He took the cigarette back and laid down. He watched the stars for a while, smiling as they shone down on him.

  “That’s pretty,” he said.

  Joker’s face appeared above him, Joker’s eyebrow cocked. Gabe couldn’t help his grin as he said, “You’re pretty, too.”

  “How drunk are you?”

  Gabe frowned and smoked while he thought about it. The little rush of the nicotine high was hitting him, and he was feeling pleasantly hazy. He was so drunk he couldn’t walk properly but not drunk enough to stop drinking.

  “I don’t know.”

  Joker sighed and stood, reaching down to take Gabe’s hand and pull him to his feet. He took the cigarette from Gabe and dropped it to grind it out under his boot.

  “Let’s get you home.”

  “But… my beer,” Gabe protested turned to get it, but Joker pulled him back around.

  “Leave it.”

  Gabe sighed but nodded and took a step forward. He swayed and nearly faceplanted the ground, but a hand wrapped around his arm, keeping him upright. He got his feet under him and glanced at Joker.

  “I think I might’ve drunk too much.”

  “You think?”

  Joker kept a hold on him as they made their way to the courtyard. There, Joker pushed Gabe against a wall.

  “Stay there. I’mma go find someone who can drive you home.”

  Before Joker could go anywhere, Gabe grabbed a hold of his cut. Joker glanced down at his hands, then slowly moved his eyes up to Gabe’s.

  “I wanna kiss you right now,” Gabe said, sounding soberer than he knew he was.

  “I know,” Joker said.

  Gabe opened his mouth but before he could say anything, Joker was pulling his hands off of him and walking away. A sigh pushed through his lips and he leaned his head back against the wall. Fuck. Him and his big mouth.


  He went in search of one of the old ladies he knew wasn’t drinking. Three of them were seated in a corner being entertained by a very drunk Auggie. He was throwing his hands around as he was telling them some story, he’d just forgotten he was holding a full bottle of beer. It splashed all over, making the women squeal and yell at him. Joker stepped around Auggie to get to Polly.

You mind driving Gabe home? I’ve had too much to drive and he can barely walk,” Joker said.

  Polly sighed heavily, shaking her head. She pushed her chair back and stood.

  “How is my son such a fucking lightweight?”

  Before Joker could come up with an answer, Polly wrapped her fingers around his wrist and pulled him with her.

  “Where is he?”

  “Outside. By the bikes.”

  He let her drag him along and as soon as they were outside, she let go of him. Gabe was still leaning against the wall, his eyes closed. Polly walked up to him, grabbing him by the chin to make him look down at her.

  “Hiya, Mom,” Gabe slurred.

  “You two, in the car. Now,” Polly said.

  Joker frowned, saying, “He’s the one who needs a ride. Not me.”

  Polly turned stern eyes on him. “I’m taking you both home so there’s someone to prevent my son from choking on his own puke.”

  Joker pulled a face but went to put an arm around Gabe’s waist to help him towards the car. He got into the back with Gabe and buckled him in. Polly started the car and drove out through the gate.

  “I fucking hate cages,” Joker mumbled.

  Gabe’s head rolled onto Joker’s shoulder as Gabe began to snore. If he wasn’t so annoyed, he would’ve thought Gabe looked cute, then he would’ve kicked himself because he wasn’t supposed to think anything like that about Gabe.

  When Polly pulled up in front of their apartment building, Joker shook Gabe awake.

  “Get your ass up,” Joker said.

  Gabe groaned and tried to move forward but was pulled back by the seatbelt. Joker rolled his eyes and unbuckled him. He opened his own door and got out to walk around the car. Gabe hadn’t made it further than halfway out of the door. Joker grabbed his upper arm to pull him to his feet.

  Gabe swayed a bit, so Joker put his arm around him to hold him up. Polly was suddenly standing next to them, a concerned expression on her face.

  “I’ve got him,” Joker said.

  “Take care of him.”

  “Yes, ma’am.”

  Polly gave him a stern look before she got back into the car and drove off. He pulled Gabe closer and walked into the apartment building. He half carried, half pulled Gabe up the stairs, thankful their apartment was only on the second floor. When they reached their door, he propped Gabe up against the wall to pull his keys out of his pants pocket. He unlocked and pushed open the door, then turned to Gabe.

  Gabe’s eyes were open, and he took a step forward. Joker reached out to catch him, but Gabe pulled away from him, grumbling under his breath about being able to walk without help. Joker watched him with raised brows as he made his way into the apartment. He walked inside and closed the door. He turned just as Gabe threw something in his face. He pulled the fabric away, realizing it was Gabe’s shirt. His gaze shot up. Gabe was making his way down the hall, pulling off his clothes. His cut was hanging on the coat rack and his socks were on the floor. He was bare-chested and he’d gotten his pants open.

  Joker groaned. He’d seen Gabe without a shirt on before but somehow it affected him now. His back was all smooth skin and muscles. He was beautiful. Always had been. Even when he’d been somewhat of a rangy teenager, he’d had something special about him, a different kind of beauty. He’d filled out nicely over the past few years, though.

  Gabe’s pants were around his thighs and he cursed, then leaned a hand against the wall. He turned his head, his eyes landing on Joker.


  Joker snorted. He walked to Gabe and bent down to help him out of his pants. He had to kneel down to get them all the way off. Gabe made a sound in the back of his throat. Joker glanced up at him. Gabe was watching him, his bottom lip between his teeth and fire burning in his eyes.

  “Keep dreaming, kid,” Joker said and stood.

  Gabe put his hands on Joker’s chest, sliding them under his cut.

  “I knew I was gay the first time I saw you,” Gabe said.

  Joker cleared his throat. “I thought you knew from you were four or something.”

  Gabe shook his head and said, “No. My parents knew. It took me over ten years longer than them. But that day you showed up with Saint? God.”

  He didn’t know what the hell to say to that. Gabe lowered his head and pressed his lips to the side of Joker’s neck. He knew he should pull away but for a moment he just stood there, frozen. Gabe’s lips brushed over Joker’s heated skin and he pushed his body against Joker’s. He groaned when his dick took notice. His hand found the back of Gabe’s head. For a second, he entertained the idea of giving in, but then reality set in and he pulled away.

  “Let’s get you to bed.”

  Gabe lit up, nodding his head. “Oh, yeah. Bed.”

  Joker groaned and said, “You. Alone. In your own bed.”

  Gabe thrust his bottom lip out in a pout. He grabbed Gabe by the arm and walked him into his room where he made him sit down on the bed. Gabe looked up at him with his big brown eyes. Before he could stop Gabe, he reached for Joker’s belt buckle, trying to open it. He pulled Gabe’s fingers off.

  “Dammit, Gabe. No.”

  Gabe let out a sigh and fell back onto the bed.

  “Why do you keep pushing me away? I see the way you look at me.” Gabe pushed up on his elbows. “I know you want me. Even if you won’t admit it to yourself.”

  “Go to sleep, Gabe.”

  Gabe nodded, yawning and grabbing his pillow to push under his head. Joker turned, walking to the door and turning off the light.

  “Doesn’t matter,” Gabe mumbled. “Won’t remember anyway.”

  Joker ran his eyes over Gabe’s body on the bed. He doubted Gabe would remember in the morning. If he was lucky, he wouldn’t remember either.

  Chapter Three


  HIS HEAD was pounding when he woke up. He groaned and tried to sit up, but nausea washed over him. He rolled onto his side, blinking his eyes against the light. There was a glass of what was hopefully water and some pills on his nightstand. He reached for the pills, dry-swallowing both.

  Once he managed to sit up, he grabbed the glass and drank all the water. He leaned his head back against the wall with a sigh. He shouldn’t have drunk that much. Most of the night was fuzzy at best. How the hell had he even gotten home?

  When he could stand without swaying and getting sick, he put on some sweatpants and made his way to the kitchen. He found a bottle of juice in the fridge and made some breakfast. He carried it into the living room and sat on the couch where he munched down some toast. The apartment was too quiet, making him realize he was alone. There was no way Joker would still be sleeping and he wasn’t anywhere Gabe could see.

  A phone ringing pulled him off of the couch. He went in search of his phone, finding it in the hallway on top of the shoe cabinet. He had no memory of putting it there. He picked up the phone, seeing a missed call from his father. He called him back.

  “Gabe. You’re needed at the clubhouse. Pack a bag and get here.”


  “Now. Gabe,” his father said and hung up.

  Gabe cursed, putting his phone in his back pocket. He went to his room where he found a bag. He filled it, not knowing how much he’d need. Then he grabbed some clothes and walked to the bathroom. He could still smell the booze on himself and he just needed a shower before going anywhere. He put his phone on the sink, then turned on the water and pulled off his pants and underwear. He stepped under the spray, the warm water feeling amazing. He hurried to wash his hair and body, knowing if he didn’t get a move on soon, his father was going to rip him a new one.

  The shower woke him up good. The pills were doing their part, and he definitely felt a lot better already. He heard the front door open just as he was pulling on a shirt. He stepped out of the bathroom to see Joker standing in the hallway, a duffle bag slung over his shoulder.

  “We have to go. Are you ready?” Joker asked.

>   Gabe nodded. “Yeah. But, uh, do you know how I got home?”

  Joker stared at him for a long moment before asking, “You don’t remember?”

  “I barely remember anything from last night.”

  “Good. Uh, I mean, your mom drove us. Our bikes are still at the clubhouse. I called Rooster. He’s picking us up,” Joker said.

  Gabe didn’t get time to wonder what Joker had meant by ‘good’ because Joker’s phone rang. While Joker talked, Gabe went to grab his bag and pull on his boots and cut.

  “Rooster’s here,” Joker said and opened the front door.

  Gabe checked to see if he had everything he needed and then he walked ahead of Joker out the door. Rooster’s car was parked by the curb and as they walked closer, Gabe saw that it was Len behind the wheel. He opened the door and got onto the backseat while Joker walked around the car to get in on the other side. Rooster was in the passenger seat, his head against the window.

  “Hey, Len,” Gabe said.

  Len pulled out onto the road. She looked up, her eyes meeting Gabe’s in the rearview mirror. “Hey, kiddo. One hell of a party, huh?”

  Gabe chuckled and said, “You could say that.”

  “I heard your mom had to drive you two home. Not that I’m surprised. I had to pick up this dumbass at three in the morning ‘cause he was puking his guts out,” Len said with a glare Rooster’s way.

  Rooster grunted, then groaned as he turned to look at Len.

  “You told me I could drink,” Rooster said, his voice sounding rough.

  “How’s that working out for you, babe?”

  Gabe snorted out a chuckle, which earned him a deadly look from Rooster. He stayed quiet for the rest of the drive, smiling a bit to himself. Len pulled into the courtyard and they all got out. Rooster walked around the car to give Len a kiss through the window and then Len drove off again. Half of the bikes weren’t there, so he didn’t walk inside right away. He went to his bike, checking it over to make sure he hadn’t done something stupid the night before.

  There wasn’t anything to be seen so he turned, stopping when he found Joker leaned against the wall. He was watching Gabe with intense eyes.